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The Odessa conservatoire (for the time being – the Odessa national A. V. Nezhdanova academy of music) was created on donations of V. A. Orlov, the chairman of Management of the Odessa branch of IRMS(the Imperial Russian Musical Society), and those of other members of this branch, as well as due to the decision of the Main Management of the Russian musical society on the basis of the Odessa musical school (founded in 1897) on the 8-th of September, 1913. On the territory of the Russian empire the Odessa conservatoire became the fourth higher educational musical institution – after St.-Petersburg, Moscow and Saratov conservatoires. Fast development of the Odessa conservatoire was provided by attraction of outstanding teachers-musicians from Italy, Poland, Czechia, Germany, Austria, St.-Petersburg and Moscow. A Polish composer, a pianist, a conductor and a musicologist Witold Maliszewski (Witold Iosifovich Malishewski) – N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov’s disciple – became the first rector of the Odessa conservatoire. Therefore the Odessa conservatoire turned into a higher educational musical institution of the European level from its very beginning.
The scale of W. Maliszewski's creative activities was tremendous. He entered into history of the Odessa conservatoire not only as its talented principal and a musician, but also as a progressive public figure. E.g., in 1917 the first rector addressed the congress of directors and senior teachers of conservatoires in Petrograd. “The southern musical bulletin” wrote: “Only the director of the Odessa conservatoire Professor W.Maliszewski who had girded up his loins for the congress offered six very considerable and important questions to its consideration: 1) separating of musical schools from conservatories; 2) the relation of the state to IRMS; 3) revision of rights as to diplomas and certificates; 4) cancellation of the category of free listeners in conservatoires; 5) revision of military privileges; 6) on returning of the new Statute of the Conservatoire from the ministry and its consensual formulization”.
In subsequent years the conservatoire was headed by: Grigory Arnoldovich Stolyarov (1923-1929) – a talented conductor and an active public figure; Nikolay Nikolayevich Chernyatinsky (1941-1944), a fine conductor and the owner of no common organizing abilities; Konstantin Fedorovich Dankevich (1944-1951) – an all-rounder combining both the talent of a composer and a conductor, a pianist and a singer, a poet, an orator and a master of organization; Serafim Dmitriyevich Orfeyev (1951-1962), a composer and a musicologist– an authoritative person who was able to organize accurate functioning of all conservatoire departments and maintain strict discipline. In addition, S. D. Orfeyev with other teachers and students took part in revue-sketch comedies that became a tradition of the conservatoire and the city; Vasily Petrovich Povzun (1962-1968), a clarinet player, who figured in the history of the conservatoire as the initiator and the organizer of constructing of an additional 4-floor building (40 new educational classes!) and a new student's hostel; Alexander Grigoryevich Manilov (1968-1971), the professor in whose days of management in 1970 an organ of the Sauer company (Germany) was mounted in the conservatoire hall; Vasily Ivanovich Ship (1971-1984), a conductor-choirmaster and a theorist-musicologist who, being the head of the conservatoire choir and a lecturer of theoretical disciplines, paid much attention to scientific work of teachers and organization of scientific practical conferences. V. I. Ship, continuing the tradition of celebratory revue-sketch comedies carried out in the conservatory, was an organizer, an author and an actor of these actions; Professor Nikolay Leonidovych Ogrenich (1984-2000) – an outstanding singer, the People’s Artist of the Ukraine, Corresponding Member of Academy of arts of Ukraine, an honourable citizen of Odessa. In 2000 Professor Alexander Viktorovich Sokol, Doctor of musicology, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Higher school of Ukraine, Corresponding Member of the Academy of arts of Ukraine was elected as the rector of the Odessa conservatoire.
In the first year of the existence of the Odessa conservatoire 396 pupils from 603 persons who submitted their applications for entering this educational institution were enrolled. Along with that, 395 persons were transferred from the musical school. The greatest number of pupils was accepted in piano classes, a smaller quantity – in violin, vocal, wind instruments, all basic orchestral instruments and music theory classes.
Teachers who worked at the Odessa musical school became the first lecturers of the conservatoire. Among them: Professor of the I-st degree B. I. Dronseyko-Mironovich, Professor of the II-d degree G. M. Biber-Kirshon, G. M. Petrov – Professor K. N. Igumnov’s disciple, M. A. Podraiskaya – Professor A. N. Yesipova’s disciple, V. Chegodayeva – A. N. Skryabin’s disciple (piano class); professors F. J. Stupka and I. V. Perman (violin class); E. F. Brambilla – “a fine soloist and a capable teacher”(cello class); Professor of the II-d degree J. A. Reider, D. Y. Delfino-Menotti, a well-known singer of the Italian opera (solo singing class); teachers-performers – L. V. Rogovoy (flute), A. J. Mogilevsky (pipe), M. F. Martsenko (clarinet), A. F. Serikov (harp); F. V. Mironovich and W. I. Maliszewski (theoretical disciplines and music history) and many other teachers. Representatives of St.-Petersburg, Moscow, Prague, Vienna and other European conservatories were the first educators of the conservatoire.
In spring of 1916 the first turn-out took place: 16 pianists and 12 vocalists graduated from the Odessa conservatoire. Next year diplomas were received by 46 graduates. Among them we can mention Alexandra (Сару) Pleshchitser who graduated from her piano class with a small Gold medal and was employed for pedagogical work at the conservatoire and Lazar Saxonsky – a pianist and a composer who was working at the Odessa philharmonic society. I. Pribik who was appointed as the deputy from the Management of the Imperial Russian musical society wrote in his report to Chairman of IRMS on May, the 5th, 1916: “Having attentively heard to all final examinations, I consider as my pleasant duty to inform your Majesty that teaching in the Odessa conservatoire is up to the mark and, in general, education is run seriously and solidly”.
From the beginning of existence of Conservatoire vocal and young opera classes make themselves known alongside with numerous piano classes. J. Reider, D. Delfino-Menotti and Palibina were chief teachers in these classes during those years. In 1913 N. Baryshev, a performer of the opera theater having stage director's abilities became the head of the opera class. By means of N. Baryshev's efforts the opera class realized its best performances. The bright culmination of the work of the opera class became “Concerts devoted to national epic” arranged by N. Baryshev at the city theater in 1916 where students of the final year of the conservatory were acting. N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov's operas “Kashchey the Immortal”, “Vera Sheloga” and fragments from “The Tsar's Bride” accompanied by the conservatoire orchestra under W. I. Maliszewski's direction were executed. Thus, the first turn-out of vocalists confirmed the fact that the Odessa conservatoire became really “a musical and singing conservatoire” – as musical figures of the city dreamed about it long before its opening.
During hard post-revolutionary years the Odessa conservatoire did not interrupt its functioning. It experienced all difficulties connected with reorganization, experiments in the field of musical pedagogics, with the class approach to students’ enrolment. As a result, the educational institution structure varied repeatedly. So, in 1923 the conservatoire was divided into an institute and a technical school, and in 1925 it was turned into Music & Drama Institute (Muzdramin) with two faculties – musical and theatrical ones (the training college affiliated with the institute remained functioning). In 1927 the institute was given L. v. Beethoven’s name. Later on a seven-year music-trade school bearing A. K. Glazunov's name, and since 1930 – a workers' faculty had been opened. In 1934 the theatrical faculty was separated from the institute, and the conservatory status was returned to the higher educational institute.
It is notable that all these structural changes were perceived only as external factors, and no reorganization could extinguish the spirit of creativity that reigned in the Odessa conservatoire and educational institutions connected with it.
The period of 1920 - 1930th years was the time of magnificent blossoming of activities of the Odessa conservatoire. In these years continues the pedagogical activity of the professors that had laid foundations of pedagogical skill as early as in the pre-revolutionary period – Clara Levenstein, Nadezhda Chegodaeva, Germina Biber, Peter Stolyarsky, Julia Reider. Along with them representatives of a younger generation – Berta Reingbald, Maria Starkova (the piano class), Victor Selyavin (the vocal class), Grigory Stolyarov (the conducting class), Nicolay Vilinsky (theoretical disciplines and music history) and others start to work.
Such outstanding musicians as Konstantin Dankevich, Vladimir Femilidi, Serafim Orfeyev, Leonid Gurov, Alexander Kogan, Jacob Faintuch, Emil Gilels, David Oistrakh, Natan Milstein, Mikhail Fichtengolz, Tatyana Goldfarb, Jacob Zak, musicologist Lev Barenboim, a remarkable baritone Mikhail Grishko, a performer of lyrical parties Maria Bem, an outstanding singer, the owner of a mezzo-soprano Olga Blagovidova, a bass Alexey Krivchenya, tenor Vasily Kozeratsky, a soprano Liubov Kryzhanovskaya were graduates of the conservatoire in these years.
The brilliant creative plenitude of the Odessa conservatoire in 1920 - 30th years occurred thanks to the talented students who became winners of prestigious competitions. For example, in 1930 the I-st prize at All-Ukrainian competition of violinists in Kharkov was won by D. Oistrakh. In 1931 young E. Gilels played “hors concours” in front of the jury of the Second Ukrainian competition of pianists, since he had not yet reached “a competitive age”. He petrified it by his playing, and got the grant intended for gifted children. In 1933 E. Gilels became the I-st prize winner at the first All-Union competition of performing musicians with triumph. In 1935 at the Second All-Union competition of performers in Leningrad the I-st prize was won by D. Oistrakh. In 1936 at the International Frederic Chopin competition in Warsaw the I-st prize was won by J. Zak, and one of awards – by B. Reingbald’s disciple Tatyana Goldfarb. In 1937 at Eugene Ysaye competition in Bruxelles D. Oistrakh became the Grand Prix winner, and the III-d prize was won by Elizabeth Gilels, an Odessa violinist, E. Gilels’s sister. It is possible to expand this list with names of conductors Isidora Zak and Mark Paverman, etc.
During the years of the Great Patriotic War the majority of teachers and students of the Odessa conservatoire went to the front, performed their concerts as a part of front brigades. Many talented musicians were lost in fights in the city occupied by Romanians. Teachers who hadn't time to be evacuated, managed to save up a part of the property of their higher school and organize lessons. Among the teachers selflessly working during these years, besides the rector of the conservatoire N. N. Chernyatinsky, it is necessary to mention theorist Sergey Dmitriyevich Kondratyev, pianists M. Rybitskaya and M. Bazilevich, etc. Unfortunately, teachers and students of the conservatoire were touched by repressions of the late 1930-th and 1940-th years.
After liberation of Odessa in autumn of 1944 the creative life in the Odessa conservatory started to revive. Among those who came back and continued to work at the conservatoire were such outstanding talented musicians as historian D. Kaminsky, clarinet player V. Povzun, teacher of foreign languages O. Rumyantseva, professor-musicologist Y. Malyshev, as well as Y. Mironenko, brothers D. and I. Gumeniuk, and so on.
The greatest role in restoration of educational process and the building itself (during occupation there was a German commandant's office in the conservatory, lectures were carried out in the dilapidated house of P. S. Stolyarsky school) was played by a talented, all-round gifted musician and a capable organizer Konstantin Fedorovich Dankevich. In the days of K. F. Dankevich's work on the post of the rector, in 1950 the Odessa conservatoire was named for Antonina Vasilyevna Nezhdanova, a nice singer, People's Artist of the USSR, Hero of Labour, Doctor of art criticism, Professor of the Moscow conservatoire, by Decision № 2721 of Council of Ministers of the USSR of June, the 29th, 1950.
1950th years was the time of new successes of students and graduates from the Odessa conservatoire. During these years such talented singers as Elizabeth Chavdar, Galina Oleynichenko, Bela Rudenko, Galina Polivanova formed to pride and ornament not only Ukrainian, but also world vocal art studied at the conservatoire and graduated successfully from it. Brilliant results were also shown by graduates of other chairs – by choirmaster Anatoly Avdiyevsky, pianist Olga Stupakova, clarinet player Kalio Muelberg and so on.
The 1957 year performance of representatives of the Odessa conservatoire at the Sixth World Festival of Youth and Students in Moscow became one of the brightest events. The joint choir of Odessa students under the direction of K. K. Pigrov and D. S. Zagretsky, with the assistance of accompanist F. Lapidus, won the Gold medal of the Festival. At the same festival-competition G. A. Polivanova and K. E. Muelberg received awards.
From the beginning of the post-war period till 1976 the solo singing chair had been managed by Olga Nikolayevna Blagovidova. J. Reider’s disciple, she adopted “a uniform method” of vocal pedagogics in her work and the work of her colleagues I. Raichenko, N. Urban, F. Dubinenko, O. Shchavinskaya, etc. Based on complex education of a future singer, this method enabled to create the system of training that included specific devices of vocal technics, a number of requirements to the general development of a student, to his artistry, to moral criteria in his scenic and vital behavior.
During the post-war period the work of the opera class was taken part by: M. Pokrovsky, a conductor, People’s Artist of Ukraine, a disciple of M. Malko, a conductor known all over the world; Professor O. Klimov, Honored worker of arts of Ukraine; N. Bogoliubov, a director, Honored Artist of Russia.
In 1949 the opera training chair was created. It was headed by Professor Elizabeth Dublianskaya – a highly professional musician and a conductor. In 1959 she organized the opera studio of the conservatoire where operas of foreign and domestic composers were staged. E.g., among performances of the opera studio of those years it is possible to mention such operas, as: “The Magic Flute” by V. A. Mozart (the party of Tsarina of the Night was executed by B. Rudenko), "Mermaid" by A. Dargomyzhsky (R. Sergienko acted in the role of the main hero), etc.
Considerable successes during the post-war period were achieved by teachers of other specialties. The chair of string instruments was headed by P. S. Stolyarsky’s disciple Veniamin Zinovyevich Mordkovich who had inherited methods of teaching of his teacher. Well-known violinists, winners of all-union and international competitions Elena Buchinskaya, Semyon Snitkovsky, Roza Fein, Valery Klimov, Edward Grach, Dora Schwarzberg, Alexander Vinnitsky, Pavel Vernikov were graduates from V. Mordkovich’s class. In these years at this chair was working Professor Joseph Vyacheslavovich Perman’s disciple Fanya Yefimovna Maxtman, among whose graduates there were winners of international competitions Olga Viktorovna Kaverzneva and Alexander Aleksandrovich Stanko. Also such well-known musicians as violinist Leonid Davidovich Lembersky and viola player Michael Moiseevich Grinberg who became teachers of the conservatory were Professor I. Perman’s disciples. The cello class was led by senior lecturer L. Weiner.
During the post-war period the special piano chair was headed by Professor Maria Mitrofanovna Starkova. Under her management at the chair worked professors Nadezhda Vladimirovna Chegodaeva (A. N. Skryabin’s disciple in the past) and Maria Ipatiyevna Rybitskaya, as well as young talented teachers Lyudmila Naumovna Ginsburg, Serafima Leonidovna Mogilyevskaya, Gedeon Izrailevich Leizerovich using in their pedagogical practice training methods of their teachers who were Heinrich Gustavovich Neuhaus and Konstantin Nikolayevich Igumnov.
Till 1950 the chair of wind and percussion instruments was headed by Professor Leonid Yakovlevich Mogilevsky. His successors were: Professor Ignat Dmitriyevich Leonov, Professor Nikolay Dmitriyevich Pokrovsky, Senior Lecturer Vera Petrovna Bazilevich, Professor Vladimir Nikolayevich Lub. The chair prepared a lot of outstanding musicians, including Professor, Candidate of musicology, the winner of international competitions Kalio Evaldovich Muelberg who had supervised over the chair from 1965 till 1979, and from 1985 till 2010. In his work with students K. E. Muelberg uses some devices of his teacher – a well-known clarinet player Pavel Vasilyevich Drozdov. Since September, the 1st, 2010 up to the present the chair of orchestral wind and percussion instruments has been headed by Candidate of musicology, Professor ad interim Zinoviy Pavlovich Burkatsky.
In 1961 in the Odessa conservatoire was formed the chair of folk instruments (on the basis of a corresponding branch that has existed since 1949). Vera Petrovna Bazilevich became its head. Later on it was headed by professors Vladimir Vasilyevich Kas’yanov and Victor Petrovich Vlasov (from 1974 till 1982). From 1982 till 2011 the chair was managed by Honoured Worker of Culture of Ukraine, Professor Vasily Mikhailovich Yevdokimov. Since September, the 1st, 2011 up to the present the chair is supervised by Candidate of musicology, Professor ad interim, Honored Artist of Ukraine Ivan Dmitriyevich Yergiev. For years of its existence the chair has not only been a basis in the development of powerful potential of the Odessa school of folk instruments playing, but also made active the scientific-methodical level of its teachers.
In 1963 in the Odessa conservatoire an important event took place: the chair of history and music theory was reformed into the chair of history of music and musical ethnography and the chair of theory of music and composition. At the chair of history of music headed by Serafim Dmitriyevich Orfeyev, history of foreign music had been delivered (over 50 years!) by a talented educator David Veniaminovich Kaminsky. In those years at the chair of history of music young teachers Oksana Georgiyevna Koreniuk (later on – the head of the chair), Rimma Markovna Rosenberg, Svetlana Grigoryevna Balashova and others were working.
In 1963, in connection with the 50-th anniversary from the date of foundation and merits in education of skilled workers of musical art, the Odessa conservatoire was awarded with the Certificate of Honor of Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.
Among those who were working at the conservatoire in 1960th years, there were such talented musicians and teachers as pianist Eugene Vladimirovich Vaulin and vocalist Eugene Nikolayevich Ivanov. Their disciples adorned the best domestic and foreign stages. Among them: winners of international competitions D. Kharitonov, S. Zadvorny, O. Melnikov, V. Mitiushkin, M. Kit, S. Mukeriya, N. Galkin, V. Brown, N. Gerasimenko, etc.
In 1960th years the talent of Konstantin Konstantinovich Pigrov’s disciple Professor Dmitry Stanislavovich Zagretsky, who was a conductor-choirmaster, a composer, a poet, Honored Worker of Arts of Ukraine, declared itself very brightly. D. Zagretsky's class was graduated from by: Professor Anatoly Timofeyevich Avdiyevsky, the People’s Artist of Ukraine, the Hero of Ukraine, the winner of the National Prize of Ukraine Taras Shevchenko, Academician, Honourable Doctor, the art director of the Ukrainian National Honoured Academic Folk Chorus named after G. Veryovka; the Honored Worker of arts of Ukraine; Professor Pyotr Danilovich Gorokhov; the Honored Worker of arts of Ukraine Semyon Vasilyevich Dorogoy; the Honored Artist of Ukraine Vasily Vasilyevich Kiosse; the National Artist of Ukraine, the winner of the National Prize of Ukraine Taras Shevchenko Victor Mikhailovich Ikonnik; the Honored Worker of Arts of Ukraine, Professor Vladimir Vasilyevich Tolkanev; the Honoured Worker of Culture of Ukraine, Professor Grigory Semyonovich Lioznov; the National Artist of Ukraine Eugene Ivanovich Kukharets; the National Artist of Ukraine, Professor Vitaly Ivanovich Gazinsky; the Honored Worker of Arts of Ukraine, Senior Lecturer Stefan Klimentyevich Kryzhanovsky; the Honored Worker of Arts of Ukraine, Candidate of musicology, Professor Leonid Mikhailovich Butenko, etc.
The 1970th – the 1st half of the 1980th years was the period of "alternation of generations". From 1976 up to the present the chair of solo singing has been headed by Galina Anatolievna Polivanova. The 1970th years became the time of new achievements of our vocal performing school. In 1970 the Ist prize at the P. I. Tchaikovsky International competition was won by Nikolay Ogrenich, in 1974 – by Ivan Ponomarenko, in 1978 – by Lyudmila Shemchuk, in 2007 – by Alexander Tsymbaliuk. Galina Oleinichenko, later on – Lyudmila Shirina, and already in 1990th years – Tatyana Zakharchuk became Grand-prix winners at the International competition of vocalists in Toulouse.
In 1977 as the head of the chair of theory of music & composition was appointed a young, talented, perspective musician and musicologist Alexander Viktorovich Sokol who became subsequently Doctor of musicology, Professor, Academician of Academy of Sciences of Higher school of Ukraine, Correspondent Member of Academy of arts of Ukraine, a member of the Union of composers of Ukraine, the chairman of the Odessa regional branch of the National Union of composers of Ukraine, the rector of the Odessa conservatoire (Academy).
Since 1978 the chair of choir conducting has been headed by the Honored Worker of arts of Ukraine, Professor Alla (Alicia) Petrovna Serebri. Among her pupils there are the Honored Worker of arts of Ukraine Yury Borisovich Topuzov, the Honoured Worker of Culture of Ukraine Mary Naftulovna Weiss, the People’s Artist of Ukraine, Professor Ivan Mikhailovich Slyota, the Honored Worker of arts of Russia Vladimir Ivanovich Podgorodinsky, the Honoured Worker of Culture of Ukraine Sergey Aleksandrovich Golub, etc.
From 1985 till 2005 the chair of history of music & musical ethnography was headed by Professor George Nikolayevich Viranovsky – an erudite musician with wide scientific interests. He played a considerable role in familiarizing of students to musical folklore studies, the first folklore expedition in the Odessa conservatory in the southern region of Ukraine had been organized by him. Now the chair of history of music & musical ethnography is headed by Doctor of musicology, Professor, Vice-Rector for scientific work Alexandra Ivanovna Samoilenko.
The 1980th years were the times of creative maturity of the whole galaxy of the Odessa composers brought up in classes of Alexander Alexandrovich Krassotov, Igor Mikhailovich Aseev, Tamara Stepanovna Sidorenko-Maliukova.
In 1987 Professor, Candidate of musicology, Honored Worker of arts of Ukraine, a member of the Union of composers of Ukraine Alexander Alexandrovich Stanko became the head of the string instruments chair. Among his pupils there are such famous musicians as: G. Kneller, a diploma winner of the P. I. Tchaikovsky International competition; J. Revutsky, a winner of the International competition in Italy; O. Sokolovsky and O. Soboleva, winners of International competitions and All-Ukrainian musical competition after Mykola Lysenko; People’s Artist of Turkmenia G. Neimark, etc.
In 1989 as the head of the special piano chair was elected Professor Lyudmila Naumovna Ginzburg, Honoured Artist of Ukraine, who was combining her wide concert activities with pedagogical ones. Professor M. M. Starkova’s disciple, she finished her postgraduate studies at the Moscow conservatoire under H. Neuhaus.
In 2002 there was a division of the special piano chair. Chair № 1 was headed by Professor ad interim Anatoly Alexandrovich Kardashev, chair № 2 – by Professor ad interim Galina Vsevolodovna Popova. From 2006 up to the present the special piano chair № 1 has been headed by Honored Worker of arts of Ukraine, Candidate of pedagogical sciences, Professor Tatyana Ivanovna Shevchenko; from 2003 up to the present the special piano chair № 2 is headed by Candidate of musicology, Professor Igor Ivanovich Sukhomlinov.
A new milepost in the development of the Odessa conservatoire comes in 1990th years. Educators, students, creative collectives of Conservatoire show the skill both in the Ukraine and different countries of the world. A turn in mastering a new repertoire was accurately designated during these years. Especially expressively it was manifested in the work of students choir under the direction of Honoured Worker of Culture of Ukraine, Professor G. S. Lioznov. In 1991 the choir and its head became the Ist-prize winners and owners of the Gold medal of the International competition of choirs in Poland.
In 1993, with a view of promoting the professional level of musicians of performing specialities, the assistantship-traineeship (postgraduate studies for music performers) was opened in the Odessa conservatoire.
1990th years were times of successful tours both in Ukraine and abroad of such performing groups of the Odessa conservatoire as the Orchestra of folk instruments (its art director and conductor – Honoured Worker of Culture of Ukraine, Professor V. Yevdokimov), the ensemble of folk instruments "Mosaics" (the winner of the international competition "Harmony-99"), the ensemble "Cadence" as a part of winners of the International competitions Elena and Ivan Yergiyev (violin+bayan), the bandura trio "Malvy", the Chamber orchestra of the Odessa conservatoire (its artistic director and conductor – Professor M. Turchinsky), etc.
As a considerable achievement of 1990th years became publications of scientific works by educators of the Odessa conservatoire. Among them: A. Sokol's monographies “Structure of science of music” (1991), “Expressive-stylistic notes and musical style” (1992), “Theory of musical articulation”(1996); Y. Markova’s “Intonationship of musical art” (1990), R. Rosenberg’s “Musical Odessa” (1995); collections “Odessa musicologist” (1993), “Odessa conservatoire: forgotten names, new pages”, “Odessa conservatoire: famous names, new pages” (1998), etc.
In 1990th years in the Odessa conservatoire functioned regularly scientific conferences in which took part not only representatives of conservatoire, but also such well-known musicologists as: V. Kholopova, V. Medushevsky, D. Gojowy, etc. Along with it, teachers of the Odessa conservatoire repeatedly participated in international scientific-practical conferences and seminars, gave their master classes in foreign musical higher schools, worked at conservatoires of China.
The entry into the Association of European Conservatories, Higher Music Schools and Academies became a symbol of the European recognition of the Odessa conservatoire.
From 2000 on up to now the Odessa conservatoire turned out into a real Center of musical art, culture and science of the South of Ukraine, a genetic center for preparation of highly skilled musicians, composers and musical scientists. In 2000 the Odessa state A. V. Nezhdanova academy of music is entered into the register of higher educational institutions of Ukraine and FRG – members of the intergovernmental agreement on cooperation.
Last decade in the Academy was additionally opened training of specialists for the next specializations: bandura, classical guitar, opera-symphonic conducting, and also a new direction of training "Culture" with its speciality "Culturology". In this connection, in 2003 the chair of contemporary music and culturology was created; Doctor of musicology, Professor Elena Nikolayevna Markova became its head. Since 2011 the chair has been renamed into the culturology chair.
Over the period of 15 years the assistantship-traineeship has been functioning in the Odessa academy of music. Since 2002 the following departments have been working: scientific postgraduate study for the speciality “Art of Music” (musicology) and a specialized academic council for defense of Candidate's dissertations in the speciality 17.00.03 "Art of Music” (lately above 80 persons have defensed their Candidate's dissertations). In 2009 the institution of doctoral candidacy for the speciality 17.00.03 “Art of Music” was opened.
In 2003 the staff and the rector of the Odessa academy of music were awarded with Certificates of Honor of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for their considerable creative achievements. In 2007 according to the results of the UNESCO rating and that of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine carried out among higher educational institutions of the IIId-IVth accreditation levels the Odessa state A. V. Nezhdanova academy of music was awarded with the FIRST RANK in the rating among Ukrainian high schools of culture, art, painting, sculpture and design. Also in 2007 the OSAM staff was awarded with the Silver medal “FOR CREATIVE ACHIEVEMENTS” by Presidium of Academy of arts of Ukraine. In 2008 rewarding of the Odessa state A. V. Nezhdanova academy of music with the DIPLOMA and the memorable pendant of the winner in the nomination “LEADER IN THE SPHERE OF EDUCATION" of the annual rating of popularity “NATIONAL RECOGNITION-2007” of people and events of Odessa took place.
In 2009 due to results of the estimation of the public action “Leaders of science and education of Ukraine” OSAM was awarded with the DIPLOMA “For a notable contribution to development of image of science and education of Ukraine” (signed by the Deputy Minister of science and education of Ukraine G. V. Strykha and the President of Academy of pedagogical sciences of Ukraine V. G. Kremin). In the annual rating of popularity of people and events of the South of Ukraine “the National recognition-2009” OSAM A. V. Nezhdanova won in the nomination “Musical event of the year, the IVth International competition in memory of Emil Gilels”. In 2010 the same award was received for carrying out the First International competition of vocalists in memory of Antonina Nezhdanova.
For the period of activities of the Odessa academy of music (conservatoire) based on developing of musical traditions of the territory here were developed musical-pedagogical schools known as in homeland as behind its limits that gained both domestic and world recognition. They were created by Pyotr Stolyarsky, Alexander Stanko (violin); Olga Blagovidova, Galina Polivanova, Nikolay Ogrenich, Eugene Ivanov, Alexandra Fomenko, Natalia Voitsekhovskaya, Vasily Navrotsky, Alisa Dzhamagortsyan, Taissiya Moroz (vocal); Konstantin Pigrov, Dmitry Zagretsky, Grigory Lioznov, Vera Lugovenko, Alla (Alicia) Serebri (choir conducting); Lyudmila Ginzburg, Alexander Bugayevsky, Igor Sukhomlinov, Anatoly Kardashev, Galina Popova (piano); Vasily Yevdokimov, Victor Vlasov, Diana Orlova, Vladimir Murza (folk instruments), Vasily Povzun, Kalio Muelberg (wind instruments); Elena Markova, Alexandra Samoilenko, Alexander Sokol (musicology); Vitold Malishevsky, Porfiry Molchanov, Serafim Orfeyev, Alexander Krassotov, Carmella Tsepkolenko (composition), etc.
Among graduates from the Odessa academy of music there are names of such world famous performing musicians of the past and the present as: Emil Gilels, David Oistrakh, Jacob Zak, Bela Rudenko, Tatyana Goldfarb, Raisa Sergiyenko, Rosa Fein, Dmitry Zagretsky, Galina Oleinichenko, Elizabeth Chavdar, Michail Grishko, Nikolay Ogrenich, Ivan Ponomarenko, Olga Kaverzneva, Semyon Snitkovsky, heads of choral collectives – Anatoly Avdiyevsky, Grigory Lioznov, Vitaly Gazinsky, Eugene Kukharets, Anatoly Markhlevsky, Eugene Dushchenko, Pyotr Gorokhov, composers – Konstantin Dankevich, Klimenty Korchmarev, Serafim Orfeyev, Yury Znatokov, Alexander Krassotov and others.
In the Academy of music hundreds of foreign citizens from China, Russia, Ecuador, Germany, Switzerland, Belarus, Poland, Bulgaria, Vietnam, Latvia, Yugoslavia, Montenegro and other countries have received and are receiving their higher education in the field of music. For many years the Academy has been training candidates and doctors of sciences, including foreign citizens (11 foreign competitors have defended their scientific degrees).
The fact that since 1977 more than 700 students, glorifying domestic pedagogical and performing schools, have won ranks of laureates and diploma winners of international and all Ukrainian competitions testifies to a high level of educating musicians at the Odessa Academy of music. In 2006 85 talented students and post-graduates of OSAM won titles of winners at international competitions, in 2007 – 80, in 2008 – 79, in 2009 – 100, in 2010 – 101.
In 2002 high ranks of winners (the I-st prize) and Gold medals of winners of the Third M. Lysenko International competition were won by A. Pirozhkova (violoncello) and U Tsun (piano), the I-st prize and the rank of the winner was won by the choir of the Odessa Academy of music under the direction of Professor G. S. Lioznov. These victories became outstanding: winning of first prizes in two nominations at the 35th International competition of choral music in France (2006) by the students choir of OSAM; awarding of the Gold medal and the first prize at the XIIIth International competition of musicians in Moscow (2007) to A. Tsimbaliuk, an OSAM graduate (vocal). The children chorus of the school of practical training affiliated with OSAM has won the First prize and the Gold award at the International festival in Budapest (2008) and Grand prix in Terespol (Poland, 2009).
Joint creative international activities of the Odessa Academy of music were carried out together with foreign conservatories, higher music schools, academies of music, musical collectives of Oulu, Kuopio (Finland), Freiburg, Trossingen, Munich, Cologne, Essen, Berlin (Germany), Genoa (Italy), Valencia, Segovia (Spain), Moscow, St.-Peterburg (Russia), London (England), Kishinev (Moldova), Zagreb (Republic of Croatia), Tianjin, Wuhan, Changchun (China), Warsaw (Poland), etc.
Throughout ten years (since 2000) a professional scientific bulletin of the Odessa Academy of music “Art of music and culture” confirmed by Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraineis has been published (12 releases appeared). Since 2003 the OSAM quarterly “Musical bulletin” has been published. A permission for an own publishing house of musical scientific and scientific-methodical literature has been obtained, numerous international scientific-methodical conferences, festivals, creative actions are held. Annual international actions have already become traditional: scientific-practical seminars and conferences “Transformation of musical education: culture and contemporaneity”; the International festival of wind music WindMusikFest; the International festival of the academic folk intrumental music “Southern Palmira”, the festival-competition of guitar art “SpringGuitarFest”; the festival of choral art dedicated to the memory of K. Pigrov; the festival of vocal art dedicated to the memory of O. N. Blagovidova.
The International competition of pianists in memory of Emil Gilels held in 2001 (I), 2003 (II), 2006 (III), 2009 (IV) was founded. In 2002 the All Ukrainian competition of young pianists in memory of Alexander Bugaevsky, a former graduate and later on Professor of the Odessa conservatoire, the Honored Worker of arts of Ukraine, was founded by the Odessa Academy of music, confirmed by the Ministry of culture and arts of Ukraine and held together with the Kherson state college of music. This competition is a Biennale.
Though there was a lot of participants at the last IVth International competition of pianists in memory of Emil Gilels two awards were won by students of the Odessa Academy of music: Gultsova Diana was awarded with the I-st prize and the prize “For the best execution of D. Skarlatti’s sonatas”; Yergiyeva Yekaterina was awarded with the III-d prize.
In 2010 the First International competition of vocalists in memory of A. V. Nezhdanova was organized by OSAM. It is to be triennial.
The Odessa Academy of music renders methodical assistance and provides teaching personnel for colleges of music of: Odessa, Kherson, Nikolaev, Uman, Ternopol, Simferopol, Kirovograd, Krivoy Rog, it works in a close cooperation with the South Ukrainian national pedagogical university K. D. Ushinsky. Almost all members of the Odessa branch of the National Union of composers of Ukraine are graduates from the Odessa conservatoire. Teachers of the South Ukrainian national pedagogical university K. D. Ushinsky, of the Odessa school of culture and arts K. F. Dankevich, of the Odessa special Prof. P. S. Stolyarsky music school pass their training at the Odessa Academy of music.
Students of the Odessa Academy of music pass their practical training and its graduates successfully work at the Odessa National State Opera and Ballet Theater, the Odessa National symphonic orchestra, the Odessa theater of musical comedy, the V. Vasilko Odessa Academic Ukrainian Music and Drama Theater, in many concert, scientific and educational institutions of Odessa, Ukraine, Autonomous Republic of Crimea, in Russia, France, Finland, Germany, Poland, Italy, Austria, Yugoslavian republics, the USA, Canada, Mexico, Latin America, China, Vietnam, and in many other countries of the world.